Email marketing consultant since 2001

Since 2001, I’ve consulted on over a thousand email design and marketing projects. Some of the industries I’ve consulted in:

Accident & Health Insurance Data Storage Devices Lodging Recreational Goods
Advertising Agencies Education & Training Services Long-Term Care Facilities Rental & Leasing Services
Air Delivery & Freight Services Gaming Activities Lumber, Wood Production Research Services
Apparel Stores General Building Materials Management Services Residential Construction
Appliances General Contractors Marketing Services Restaurants
Application Software General Entertainment Medical Practitioners Rubber & Plastics
Asset Management Healthcare Information Services Mortgage Investment Savings & Loans
Basic Materials Wholesale Home Furnishings & Fixtures Multimedia & Graphics Software Scientific & Technical Instruments
Building Materials Wholesale Home Improvement Stores Office Supplies Security & Protection Services
Business Equipment Housewares & Accessories Packaging & Containers Security Software & Services
Business Services Industrial Equipment Wholesale Paper & Paper Products Shipping
Business Software & Services Information & Delivery Services Personal Computers Specialty Retail
Catalog & Mail Order Houses Information Technology Services Personal Products Staffing & Outsourcing Services
Cleaning Products Insurance Brokers Personal Services Technical & System Software
Communication Equipment Internet Information Providers Processed & Packaged Goods Technical Services
Computer Based Systems Internet Service Providers Processing Systems & Products Toy & Hobby Stores
Computer Peripherals Internet Software & Services Property Management Toys & Games
Computers Wholesale Investment Brokerage Publishing Trucking
Consumer Services Jewelry Stores Railroads Wholesale
Credit Services Life Insurance Real Estate Development  

What it’s like to work with Jessica.

Jessica has helped me create a compelling, unique monthly newsletter that my clients enjoy, that builds my credibility, and that cements my reputation as the go-to coach for women lawyers interested in becoming rainmakers.

I first hired Jessica in 2004. She’s helped me grow a significant readership who rely on my thought leadership to grow their practices; Jessica made sure that my monthly newsletter is a “must read” by my subscribers. She re-wrote my website copy; the result was a website that has won numerous awards, that has expedited my sales cycle and that receives rave reviews from users. Jessica was quick to learn my voice and the language of my audience.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Jessica to anyone—her strategic approach, business savvy, commitment to my success and professionalism are all top notch. I’m delighted I found her all those years ago, and am delighted to have her as a member of my marketing team today.

Sara Holtz, Founder and Principal of ClientFocus and author of Bringin’ in the Rain: A Women Lawyer’s Guide to Business Development


Contact Jessica Albon

If you have a project you’d like my help with, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

Give me a call at (336) 793-4732.
(I’m in the eastern time zone.)

Email me at

For snail mail:
PO Box 351
Mocksville, NC 27028

Dig social media?
You should follow me on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn.